Appraisals and Inventories

Sometimes circumstances arise where you need personal property appraised or inventoried. Appraisals and Inventories can help to reduce and manage conflict by documenting the contents of an estate and ensuring the equitable distribution of the contents of an estate to beneficiaries. 

If you are the executor of a will, an inventory and appraisals of the estate may be required as you undertake your duties. Transitions will provide an independent personal property appraisal and inventory of an estate following the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

Transitions can provide inventories and assessments for any reason including estates, divorce, insurance, or personal use.

Transitions is a member of the Canadian Personal Property Appraisers Group 

Appraisal and Inventory Services

  • Inventory and Appraisal for an Estate

    In Saskatchewan, if you are the executor or administrator of an estate you are responsible to determine the Fair Market Value of the personal property of an estate. This includes determining the value of everything owned by the deceased including: Antiques, Housewares, Art, Vehicles, Furniture, Collections (eg. coin or stamp), jewelry, and housewares!

    This can be a large and daunting undertaking!

    Transitions can provide you with:

    • an inventory of the personal property of the estate

    • a valuation of the contents of an estate

    • an appraisal of the fair market value of items within an estate.

    This information can be used to:

    • determine the value of an estate for the Statement of Property for the Administration of Estates (Form 16-14) Schedule of Assets

    • aid in the equitable distribution of assets to beneficiaries

    • ensure that the contents of an estate are documented and accounted for until probate is completed and assets can be distributed.

  • Inventory and Appraisal for Divorce

    When you are undergoing a divorce or are separating the shared assets of a relationship, it can be invaluable to have an independent review of the value of the personal property in question. Transitions can provide an inventory and Fair Market Value appraisal of the contents of an estate for the purposes of documentation and to aid in the distribution of assets.

    Transitions can provide:

    • An inventory of shared personal property

    • a Fair Market Valuation of the contents of the inventory

    • an appraisal report for items within the estate

    This information can be helpful to aid in the distribution of assets.

    Transitions will provide an independent evaluation and appraisal.